Wednesday, April 8, 2009

ADRIAN Chapter News

The Adrian Chapter of Women of Worth met Monday evening, April 6, for a special time of sharing our "Treasures". Since September we have been working through the book, "Timeless Treasures: The Charm and Romance of Treasured Memories". Several ladies have shared their treasures with us and have spoke about everything from the treasures of the attic to how to be creative in keeping your memories and treasures as a vital part of your life.

This month was special as we had everyone bring in something that was a treasure to them and it was so interesting to see the various items. Some brought pictures from their childhood, Bibles that were given from their parents and grandparents and carried at their wedding, trinkets, articles of clothing, cards from their spouse that were received before they were married, etc. It was a very interesting evening.

The climax of the evening was when we had our 'Revealing of the Secret Sisters' at the end of our session. It is so interesting and there are lots of silly grins and outbursts of laughter when the ladies realize who they have been receiving gifts from. The interesting variety brings spice to these Secret Sister times.

Our last meet of this year (we break for summer) will be May 4, when we will have our annual Mother-Daughter Banqet. The ladies all look forward to this time. We have been encouraging the ladies to invite a friend or family member who may be lonely or need a bright moment in their life.

We trust you have had a great year with Women of Worth and would love to have you submit an article for this new blog. The more we share, the more interesting the blog will be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
