Thursday, April 30, 2009


The Women of Worth National Committee been wondering where the groups are located. We have recently found out that there are groups starting up that we didn't even know about and we are so excited! We have a page on the WOWIHC.COM website that list each chapter, their leader, contact information and the city and state where they are held. This page has not been updated recently and we would like to use the new blog to get this information rolling. There are lots of new changes and we are so excited about everything that is happening in the area of technology. So, if you could either add a comment to this blog, or e-mail the Women of Worth e-mail account, that would be great. You do not have to be a leader to contact us. I would rather hear from 25 ladies from the same group, indicating there is a group going than to have everyone thinking someone else is doing it and then no one contacts us. So, let's get started. I'll be the first on the list.

- Adrian, Michigan Chapter of Women of Worth, founded in 1995
- leader, Cheryl Watters
- 517-403-6383 or

It is that easy. Let's hear from you.

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